Amazing Benefits Of Turmeric Milk

TURMARIC MILK T urmeric and milk have natural antibiotic properties. Including these two natural ingredients in your everyday diet can prevent diseases and infections. Turmeric when mixed with milk can be very beneficial for number of health problems. This is an effective remedy to fight hazardous environmental toxins and harmful microorganisms. RECIPE for Turmeric Milk: 1. Take 1 inch piece (FRESH) Turmeric root. If Fresh type is not available then use 1 level tsp Turmeric Powder 2. 150mls or I glass Milk 3 . Boil Turmeric and Milk for 15 minutes 4. Strain the milk (remove fresh Turmeric piece out ) 5. Cool it and drink this milk. Benefits of Turmeric Milk 1. Respiratory illness: Turmeric milk is an anti-microbial which attacks bacterial infections an...